Seminar I: Media Coverage of Hate Speech
Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square
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Seminar 1 (of 2) for researchers and students, led by Prof Yasemin Giritli Inceoglu as part of her BIH Visiting Research Fellowship
The aim of this seminar is to unveil the existence and the rise of hate speech in the absence of an independent, accountable and transparent media, explore solutions and make recommendations to combat the problem.
Yasemin Giritli Inceoglu is a Professor of Journalism. She worked as an academic in Marmara University (1984–2004) and Galatasaray University (2004–2016). She was the former dean of the Galatasaray University, Communication Faculty. She is a member of the unesco International Clearinghouse on Children and Violence on the Screen and of the American Biography Institute. She is one of the founder members of the Media Watch Platform in Turkey (2008). She is also the member of Advisory Board of Media Disclaimer Center, Association for Social Policies Sexual Identity and Sexual Orientation and Transparency International. Since 2016, she works on Media Pluralism Monitor Turkey Project that is by supported by Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom and European Commission, financed by the European Union. Her current research interests are based on hate speech and hate crimes in the media, international communication, media pluralism and peace journalism.
In 2022 Prof Inceoglu has joined the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities as a Visiting Research Fellow. Her Fellowship concentrates on different types of discourse such as hate speech, discriminatory discourse and dangerous speech, and discusses how the media represent the ideology of power by quoting to Stuart Hall, Saussure, Van Dijk, Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky. “Hate speech” is a complicated and controversial term that is difficult to understand. The question “What is hate speech?” brings with it questions such as “Where is the boundary between freedom of expression and hate speech?”, “Is hate speech only produced against persons or minority people/groups?”, “Does every discourse that involves negative expressions and sentiments constitute hate speech?”, “How can we explain the relationship between hate speech and hate crimes?” . These questions are addressed through examples of hate speech disseminated or produced/reproduced by the media. The research project conducts a comparative study of Turkey and England by comparing the media coverage of the “others” in both countries’ main stream media by analyzing the hate speech and/or discriminative discourse.
This event is supported by the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities.
Contact name:
Dr Elia Ntaousani, BIH Manager
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