Better Living Through Creative Writing: Creative Writing vs. The Hostile Environment
Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square
Workshop delving into the basics of storytelling techniques, to enable interrogation of the hostile environment for East and Southeast Asian migrants living in the UK. In-person.
Better Living Through Creative Writing is a creative writing workshop for the East and Southeast Asian (ESEA) migrant communities in London. Since 2020, the workshop has tutored several migrants on ESL, poetry, fiction, and life writing and created a small community of ESEA migrants with interests in creative writing. All our workshop sessions were attended by participants coming from diverse economic backgrounds and ethnicities.
Better Living Through Creative Writing was recently supported by the Kanlungan Filipino Consortium, Southeast and East Asian Community Centre, SOAS, daikon, and the Culture Seeds of the Mayor of London.
We invite all Southeast and East Asian migrants of whatever migration status to join our workshop on telling a story as a protection from the hostile environment. This is a 90-minute tailored session on the basics of storytelling techniques and the interrogation of the hostile environment as we experienced it as migrants living in the UK.
Rogelio Braga is an exiled playwright, novelist, publisher, and human rights activist currently living in London as a refugee. They are currently working on their practice-based MPhil/PhD English and Humanities at the Birkbeck School of Arts, researching Filipino diasporic narratives in London.
This event in-person at Birkbeck's School of Arts, as part of Arts Week 2022. Communication about this event will be sent from Do check your Spam/Junk/Other inbox if you are looking for emails from this address.
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