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Arts Programme: Industry and transferable skills

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

This is a series of events and workshops as part of the Arts Programme.

Transferable skills are a fantastic way to show you’re a great fit for a role, regardless of your previous experience. These are a key set of skills and abilities which can be developed in one sector or industry and which can be applied to a wide range of other jobs and industries.

As well as paid positions, they can be gained from charity or voluntary work as well as extra-curricular activities.

If you are changing sector or career, understanding how to connect the dots of your career narrative for an employer is essential.

This workshop will help you:

- Identify your transferable skills, especally those sought by employers

- How to confidently explain difficult situations

- Confidently explain any gaps in your education or your career

- Opportunities offered by the Erasmus Programme


Priority is given to Finalist Students but is open to all.

*Exclusive to Birkbeck Students*

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