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Political Studies Association Sport and Politics Study Group annual conference

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

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Political Studies Association
Sport and Politics Study Group Annual Conference
20 – 21 February 2009

The Governance and Regulation of Sport

Birkbeck Sports Business Centre
Birkbeck, University of London
Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HX

The conference is being supported by Routledge, the leading publisher of academic texts on sport and politics.

Our Media Partner for the conference is Major Events International (MEI),  the first online community devoted to serving individuals and  organisations who provide the services, infrastructure, technology and  personnel for organisations involved in the staging of major events.

Birkbeck Sport Business Centre is hosting the 3rd Annual Political Studies Association Sport & Politics Group Conference on Friday 20 February (9.30am – 5.45pm; conference dinner, 7.30pm – 11.00pm) and Saturday 21 February (9.30am – 1.45pm).

The theme of this year’s conference is the governance and regulation of sport. As sport has become increasingly commercial, there is a need for effective governance from sport governing bodies. However, what form should the role of governance and government take in this process? Sport plays a key role in contributing towards government agendas such as social inclusion and health-related initiatives, but is the relationship between sport, government and public policy fully understood? Much is asked of the contribution of sport to society, but should the ‘autonomy’ of sport be promoted to resist regulatory capture? These are just some of the questions the conference will explore.

The conference consists of over forty presentations from a mixture of academics and practitioners on key sports governance issues including:

  • Effective Governance of Sport Governing Bodies; How Can It Be Achieved?
  • Combating Doping in Sport.
  • Theoretical Issues in Sport Governance.
  • Governance Trends in European Football.
  • UK Government Policy in the Sporting Context.
  • Sport Stadia and Sport Event Management; Key Issues for Policy Makers.
  • Sports History and Governance.
  • The Governance of Cricket.
  • Governance in European Sport.
  • Public Policy and Football Supporters; A Continuing Challenge.
  • Third Party Player Ownership.
  • Corruption in Sport.

Amongst the speakers will be representatives from the Football Association and UEFA. Alan Keen MP, Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Football Group, which is currently carrying out an enquiry into the governance and regulation of English Football, will be a keynote speaker. The former Test cricketer, and now author, Ed Smith, will be speaking at the conference dinner.

Registration & Payment

  • The conference fee is £35 per day (excluding evening meal), evening meal £35, with a discounted fee of £95 for the two day delegate fee and evening meal.
  • The student conference fee is £20 per day (excluding evening meal), evening meal £35.
  • These rates exclude accommodation.

Payment can be via cheque, made payable to Birkbeck College. The cheques should be sent to the organising committee care of:

Sean Hamil
Department of Management
Birkbeck College
University of London
Malet Street

or via secure credit/debit payment system at Registration and Payments.


The following are four local hotels within easy walking distance of the conference venue in Torrington Square.

Conference Organising Committee

Paul Gilchrist, University of Brighton
Sean Hamil, Birkbeck, University of London
Dr Russell Holden, Director, In the Zone, Sport and Politics Consultancy
Dr Geoff Walters, Birkbeck, University of London

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