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Dazed and Confused: The Finale

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

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A Roundtable Discussion as part of the Birkbeck Sport Business Centre Public Seminar Series.

Convened by: Birkbeck Sport Business Centre, and Weightmans LLP.


In this roundtable discussion a group of experts, convened in collaboration with leading law firm Weightmans LLP, will provide a detailed analysis of two of the major risk factors facing sport in the UK today, namely Concussion, and Safeguarding, and of the legal challenges the effective management of these issues involves for sport governing bodies and sport competition organisations.

The panel members are:

Debate Chairs

Sean Hamil, Co-Director, Birkbeck Sport Business Centre; and Bruce Ralston, Weightmans LLP, an expert in matters relating to sports liability.

Managing concussions: the difficulties faced in grassroots sport

Dr Sam Barke, Medical Director at, Return2Play, the leading sports medicine company which provides injury management solutions to grassroot sports.

Between a knock and a court case: the barrister’s take on setting the legal parameters for claims relating to concussion in sport

Patrick Limb QC, Barrister, Ropewalk Chambers.

Vicarious liability – who are you responsible for?

Chris Webb-Jenkins, Partner, Weightmans LLP.

Global sports events – the risk challenges

Richard Tolley, Deputy Leader, Sports & Events Industry Practice, International Division, Marsh


Contact details

Seminar Series details

For further details on this seminar series contact:

Sean Hamil
Department of Management
Birkbeck College
Malet Street

Tel: 020 7631 6763


Twitter: @Birkbecksport

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