And Others - Why collaborate? Network Formation, Reproduction, Access
Discussants: Carla Cruz, Lily Hall, Abhijan Toto, Felicity (Flick) Allen, Manual Labours.
Moderator: Lina Dzuverovic
Keywords: collaborative structures, articulation, the ‘disoeuvre'.
BIRMAC and Art Monthly, in association with Electra present:
One of four discussions within the research project ‘And Others: The Gendered Politics and Practices of Art Collectives’ by Dr. Lina Dzuverovic, which investigates different questions central to collective work. Building on two months of asynchronous collective writing, involving seventeen participants, the panelists below consider how we might write, think, read and practice together through other means.
Focusing on the possible divergences between external articulations of collectivity and their internal working realities, this panel explores the formation and reproduction of networks, asking how cultural organisations engage with collective work, exploring the blurry lines and unstable positions between organisational (curatorial, communication, production, administrative) and artistic work, and the gaps between naming and acting. It considers the paradox emerging from the common perception of artistic production as the outcome of individual work, when in fact artistic practice is always inherently collaborative, whether explicitly stated as so or not.
The panelists also consider experiences of nurturing repeated collaborations, and long-term working relationships that run against the dominant grain of ‘newness’ within contemporary art practice and production, to ask how the development of such relationships can on the one hand build trust, and on the other also bear the potential to blur organisational and artistic identities. The panel addresses the shifting roles of artists, informed too by individual participants’ own artistic, curatorial organizational work and writing.
The panel conversation will be followed by an informal Q&A with the audience.
Please note all events within this series will be recorded.
This project has been supported through Birkbeck College’s School of Arts Research Grants and the Open Society University Network, Center for Arts and Human Rights at Bard College 2022 Faculty Fellowship.
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