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Sunil Gupta Artist's Talk at the Peltz Gallery

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

No booking required

Last chance to see Sunil Gupta: In Pursuit of Love, at the Peltz Gallery before it closes.

Come and join us for a tour of the exhibition in the company of the artist Sunil Gupta and curator and Director of the Peltz, Professor Annie E. Coombes on 31 October 2017 6.30-7.30pm. Book your free place. All Welcome!

The exhibition features works from a selection of Gupta's photographic series made over the past 30 years. In Gupta's own words, these works were produced in response to being " an out Indian gay man and being desired in the world,' while living in the West and being HIV positive.

While the series Homelands (2004) represented '...a shift from exclusively postcolonial terms of reference to geography and location,' the other series in the show, The New Pre-Raphaelites (2008) was made in recognition of '...a new generation of no longer gay but queer people [in Delhi] who wanted change and were not prepared to wait.' The photographs are Gupta's love letter to '...this moment of sexual liberation and restlessness that was no longer 'the love that dared not speak its name' but the love that was suddenly having Pride marches and demanding equal rights.'

The Peltz Gallery at Birkbeck's School of Arts showcases the creative intersection between visual art and the interdisciplinary and experimental research produced by academic staff and postgraduates within the School of Arts and elsewhere at Birkbeck.