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Embodiment, pain and memory: a scratch reading group and interdisciplinary discussion

Venue: Birkbeck 28 Russell Square

Book your place

This informal roundtable discussion is open to students and researchers of any stage or discipline with an interest in themes of embodiment, pain and memory.

Attendees are encouraged to bring a short extract or text (around a page of prose or couple of stanzas of poetry perhaps) which we will read as a group. We will then have a freeform discussion of where we see links and oppositions between texts across time, region and form. How do medieval mystics, Victorian heroines and modern social media users describe their concepts of bodily experience, sensation, pain, memories, and interactions with the past? We aren’t sure yet but we’d like to find out!

The session will be run by two students of the Medieval Studies MA, one focused on literature and one focused on history. We welcome contributions from any subject specialism and period and look forward to seeing new and unexpected ways disparate texts can generate ideas and spark new connections. A short reading list of conceptual approaches will be provided, but there is no expectation of having read them in order to join the discussion.

Organizers: Laura Gisseliere and Emily Dixon (for questions contact Emily at

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