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Academic skills workshop: Writing a close textual analysis or commentary

Venue: Online

Please note: This workshop is for Birkbeck students in the School of Creative arts, Culture and Communication.

A particular type of task that students of literature (in any language), poetry, plays or film are often asked to do is the close analysis or commentary. These tasks present an extract from one of these creative forms, and ask you to (a) examine the extract closely, and (b) write a detailed analysis or commentary on your interpretation of the extract. This type of task can therefore be rather different from the traditional argumentative essay, although the overall structure may look similar. 

This workshop for students in Creative Arts, Culture and Communication will consider how to go about analysing an extract and write a commentary. It will consider the diffferences between a commentary and an argumentative essay, and examine examples of how a commentary might be structured.

Book your place

Students from other subjects whi would like to attend this workshop should contact the orgnaiser directly.

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