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Space – The Next Frontier

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

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Spaces. Exploring Spatial Experiences of Representation and Reception in Screen Media, a new book from Amsterdam University Press explores different meanings that ‘space’ has for screen media. From the spaces of classic Westerns and English country house films, to Patrick Keiller’s Robinson at large, and women’s search for freedom in the films of Chantal Akerman and Chloe Zhao’s Nomadland. And beyond cinema, the Panorama as a precursor, digital 3D as the recovery of haptic space, and contemporary immersive media.

Contributors to Spaces who will be speaking about their chapters: Isobel Armstrong, Ian Christie, Mark Broughton, Mark Cosgrove, Patrick Keiller, Luke McKernan.

Spaces is free to download at

14.30 – 17.30  Birkbeck Cinema, 43 Gordon Square, London WC1H OPD

Free admission, but reserve your place at BIMI

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