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Science week - Presence: The Strange Science and True Stories of the Unseen Other

Venue: Birkbeck Clore Management Centre

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Talk of presences that we cannot see or hear may conjure thoughts of ghost stories, spirits, or mystical revelations. But feelings of presence are also a matter of science, and are providing new ways of thinking about schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, and dementia. Join us for an evening of conversation where we will explore the uncanny truth behind felt presence of all kinds. Far from being just phantoms, they hold the key to a deeper understanding of mind, brain, and body.

Ben Alderson-Day is an associate professor of psychology at Durham University and scientific chair of the International Consortium on Hallucinations Research. An expert in atypical cognition and mental health, his work spans cognitive neuroscience, psychiatry, philosophy, and child development. His book Presence: The Strange Science and True Stories of the Unseen Other won a British Psychological Society Book Award for Popular Science in 2023.

This event will include a Q&A session and continue into the evening with the opportunity to take a tour of the Psychological Sciences laboratories & explore a posterboard exhibition presented by the School. Attendees will also be able to meet the speaker, as well as current faculty researchers and students to continue conversations.

The talk will be live streamed so attendees who are unable to join the event in person may watch it. please note though, we are unable to stream the Q&A session. A link will be shared with ticket holders nearer the time.

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