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Demand side public policy for innovation (CIMR debates in Public Policy - Hybrid)

Venue: Online

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Join the Centre for Innovation Management Research on Wednesday 19th June 2024, 1.00-2.00PM for an hybrid lunchtime seminar on Public Policy for Innovation. The debate is part of the CIMR Debates and Workshops in Public Policy series.

For people joining the event in-person, the event will be held at:

Birbeck, University of London, Room MAL G23, Malet St, London WC1E 7HX - Google Maps Link

Chair: Dr. Marion Frenz, Birkbeck CIMR

Speaker: Dr. Fabrizio Tuzi – senior researcher at Institute on Regional Studies – Italian National Research Council



The need of a package of public policies to mitigate market failures in the green transition is crucial: research and development directed toward green science is one of the pillars on which to base such policies. Left to the market alone, the direction of innovation and technological change would be socially suboptimal, with the risk of devoting too few resources to research and innovation to foster environmental sustainability. The role of public organizations in promoting a path to mitigate the systemic risk associated with climate change and related challenges through a policy-mix is decisive. Such issue affects the entire society and thus requires a policy approach based on social dialogue to protect the interests of entire communities and to change people's behaviors. Demand-driven public policies for new products and services that can address social challenges using tools such as pre-commercial public procurement (PPC) and public procurement for innovation (PPI) could be strategic.

This workshop focuses on the role public administration at EU level in fostering of PPC and PPI to face the challenges concerning the climate change particularly the biodiversity loss. The goal is to provide some characteristic dimensions of these measures for providing useful insights to promote policies that can address the grand challenges related to the issue of biodiversity.


Fabrizio Tuzi is a research director at Institute on regional studies of the Italian National Research Council. His research focuses on science, technology and innovation policy, regional finance and decentralization. He is adjunct professor of Finance and Public Choices at LUMSA University in Rome.

Daniele Archibugi is Professor of Innovation, Governance & Public Policy; Birkbeck Business School, Birkbeck, University of London. He is an international expert in innovation, globalization and international relations. He is also Research Director at the Italian National Research Council, Rome

Marion Frenz is Reader in Management; Subject Group Lead in Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the School of Business, Birkbeck, University of London and Deputy Director of Birkbeck’s Centre for Innovation Management Research. 

Helen Lawton Smith is Professor of Entrepreneurship, Business School, Birkbeck, University of London. She is the Director of the Centre for Innovation Management Research ( Her research career has focused on the links between entrepreneurship, innovation, public policy and regional development in national and international contexts. Her research has been funded by the ERSC, the European Union, the OECD, the Regional Studies Association and most recently by Innovate UK. Her current research is on opportunities and barriers for disabled and ethnic minority entrepreneurs.


Tuzi, F., Useful science is good science: empirical evidence from the Italian National Research Council, Technovation, Volume 25, Issue 5, 2005, Pages 505-512,

Tuzi, F., The scientific specialisation of the Italian regions. Scientometrics 62, 87–111 (2005).

Sirilli, G., Tuzi, F., An evaluation of government-financed R&D projects in Italy, Research Evaluation, Volume 18, Issue 2, June 2009, Pages 163–172,

Spallone, R., Filippetti, A., Tuzi, F., La domanda pubblica d’innovazione: verso un piano d’azione per il procurement di ricerca e sviluppo in Italia, 2019 in Archibugi, D., Tuzi, F, Relazione sulla ricerca e l’innovazione. Analisi e dati di politica della scienza e della tecnologia, CNR Edizioni, Roma.

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