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deskt0p_cinema revisited

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

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deskt0p_cinema revisited
a lecture-performance by Greg de Cuir Jr

Join us for an insightful lecture-performance by Greg de Cuir Jr, an independent curator, writer, researcher and managing editor of the open access, peer-reviewed journal NECSUS. Greg has curated for institutions such as ICA in London, Whitney Museum in New York, Locarno Film Festival, National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, Anthology Film Archives in New York, and many other spaces.

During the pandemic, de Cuir adapted his curatorial practices to virtual environments, experimenting with web3 and digital art, and organising innovative projects like "Radical Acts of Care" for Media City Film Festival in Windsor-Detroit. This digital exhibition featured moving image works, in addition to poetry, photography, music and other creative forms.

In this lecture, Greg will delve into his recent activities performing programs of desktop cinema, as well as introducing Kinopravda Institute, an organisation he co-founded in Belgrade and serves as artistic director for. He will explore topics such as the evolving landscape of digital art exhibitions, the impact of new technologies on curatorial practices, and decolonial tactics in cultural work. This event is a unique opportunity to learn from a leading figure in the field and gain insights into the current and future shape of digital culture and moving images.

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