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Ecstatic Truths Documentary Club: Peter Greenaway's 'Act of God' and Mark Lewis' 'Cane Toads: An Unnatural History

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

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Join Ecstatic Truths Documentary Club for a journey into the weird and wonderful with a double bill of Peter Greenaway’s ‘Act of God’ and Mark Lewis’ ‘Cane Toads: An Unnatural History’’.

Greenaway’s criminally underseen and offbeat TV film ‘Act of God’ recounts the experiences of lightning-strike survivors in the director’s typically idiosyncratic style, setting darkly comic subject interviews against a backdrop of lists, collated statistics, and increasingly peculiar camera angles.

Mark Lewis has cited Greenaway’s ‘Act of God’ as the direct inspiration for ‘Cane Toads: An Unnatural History’, which chronicles the origin story of invasive cane toads in Australia. Characterised as it is by extreme low angle “toads eye view” shots, zany subjects, and toad-centric blues songs, it’s easy to see why the film has become a cult classic.

Ecstatic Truths Documentary Club is an independent film collective showcasing formally subversive and unconventional documentaries, co-curated by Charlotte Ross and Kat Haylett.

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