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Reflections on Integrating Lived Experience into Research About Youth Mental Health

Venue: Online

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Contributors: Shioma-Lei Craythorne, Catherine Fadashe, Michael Larkin, Thai-Sha Richards, Chris Simms, Rachel Temple. 

On behalf of the Agency-In-Practice Project: Aston University and The McPin Foundation. 

Agency-in-Practice are an interdisciplinary team, incorporating perspectives from lived experience, psychology, psychiatry, philosophy and linguistics. Together, they examine qualitative data (video recordings of clinical encounters, and transcripts of research interviews) to understand young people’s experiences of helpseeking for their mental health. Through this work, across two funded projects, they have been developing and refining their approach to collaborative working, in order to support young people to provide their insights as co-analysts.

In this seminar, they will reflect together on how they came to work together in this way, on what they learned as they developed their approach to co-analysis further, and on the benefits of a ‘lived experience lens’ for the analysis stage of qualitative research. They will also discuss their plans for sharing more of their insights and details of their methodology, and for developing further guidance for researchers.

Free to attend. Please register. 

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