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Who will win the 2024 General Election: the Polls, the Campaigns, the Result: In-Conversation with Dr Hannah Bunting, Co-director of The Elections Centre

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As the date of the election draws near, this in-conversation event examines where we are on the eve of a potentially watershed election. What do the polls tell us at this point (and how accurate are they?)? How have the campaigns by the different parties gone so far? Who will win and what should we look out for on election night itself?

Dr Hannah Bunting is Lecturer in Quantitative British Politics at the Centre for Computational Social Science (C2S2). Hannah's expertise spans electoral politics, party competition, voting behaviour and political trust. She is Co-director of The Elections Centre, which holds the largest database of its kind, including records for more than 1.4 million candidates that have stood in British local elections from 1899 to the present day.

Find out more about Hannah here and the UK Election Centre 

See a recent piece here 

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