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Academic skills workshop: Avoiding plagiarism through effective note-making

Venue: Online

Book your place

This workshop is for Birkbeck students. Book your place in My Birkbeck / Events and Workshops (not sure how to do that? Watch this short video guide!). If you use the link above to book, please use your birkbeck student email address to sign up - thanks!

  • Do you worry about committing plagiarism in your written assignments?
  • Do you not usually make notes when you read, or find that your notes are not comprehensible or useful when you look back on them later?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this workshop may be helpful. Using sources in your essays is imperative for success at university. However, if you don’t make effective notes, you'll be getting less out of your reading, or if your notes involve too many words directly lifted from your reading, you may risk committing accidental plagiarism. This workshop will consider effective note-making techniques and tips, so that you make notes you can actually use and avoid potential issues of plagiarism when writing assignments.

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