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Academic skills workshop: Constructing arguments in your essays

Venue: Online

Book your place

This workshop is for Birkbeck students. Book your place in My Birkbeck / Events and Workshops (not sure how to do that? Watch this short video guide!). If you use the link above to book, please use your Birkbeck student email address to sign up - thanks!

  • Do you get feedback on your assignments asking you what your point/argument is?
  • Do you get feedback asking where your evidence is for a claim
  • Do you feel that you don’t really know what an academic argument is?

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then this workshop may be useful for you.

In this session, we’ll look at the key features of an argument, including the evidence or support for an argument, and the thesis statement. Finally, we’ll consider how effective paragraphing can help us to develop effective arguments, particularly how the common ‘PEEL' approach to paragraphing reflects effective argumentation.

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