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Thriving with ADHD: a supportive workshop for university students with confirmed or suspected ADHD

Venue: Online

Book your place

This online session will provide essential information for students who are stuggling to manage ADHD symptoms. The session has been developed by Birkbeck’s Counselling Services and Study Skills team. 

Further information
The session will use a mix of slides, example case studies and a reflective discussion and you will able to raise your own questions throughout. The aim is to provide an informed and supportive forum for students who might be struggling with issues like:

  • Difficulty focusing on a task
  • Difficulty prioritizing and poor planning
  • Trouble following instructions and completing tasks
  • Trouble multitasking 

The workshop is will be a combination of information about how to better manage these difficulties and a reflective space to acknowledge the impact that these struggles might have on your academic experience. We believe in the power of groups and how you can also learn from each other's experiences. We would encourage you to keep your cameras on and to participate.

What this session is not

This is not a diagnostic or clinical session. We will not be able to advice you on how to get a diagnosis, medication and treatment or any other medical issues.

How do I attend?
Those wishing to attend should register using this form. This session will take place on MS Teams and a link will be sent to attendees ahead of the session taking place.

Session leads
The session will be led by Jo Myddleton (Senior Student Counsellor), Rob Martin and Lawrence Green (Learning Development Tutors). 

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