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Stitching up the NHS

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

No booking required

Screening of the film ''Stitching up the NHS' followed by a Q&A session with Yvette Vanson and Michael Mansfield.

In 1989, Channel Four called this film "A prophetic warning of the price to be paid by the nation's health for pursuing the privatisation route." 

"Amongst the big film, sport and repeats which characterise every TV Bank Holiday, the abrasive Channel 4 documentary, STITCHING UP THE NHS was dropped into the schedules like a boulder into a stagnant pond is the sort of passionate argument which needs to occupy at least some time on TV amid so much blandness elsewhere." The Yorkshire Post

The screening will be followed by a Q&A session with Yvette Vanson and Michael Mansfield.

There will be an exhibition of Yvette Vanson's work in the Peltz Gallery in Gordon Square on from 21-30 November.

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Contact phone: 02030738133