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Crying with Laughter: Tragedy, Comedy and the "Eco-Artistic" Turn in Chilean Contemporary Art

Venue: Birkbeck 30 Russell Square

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Chile-based French art historian Sophie Halart discusses the place of visual representation and the lyrical registers of comedy and tragedy in the so-called ecological turn in recent art from Chile.

Sophie Halart is an art historian, specialized in contemporary Latin American art. She holds a PhD in Art History from University College London and a Master in Culture Industry from Goldsmiths College. Halart is Professor and Academic Director of the Instituto de Estética, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She is also Deputy Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Nantes, France. Her previous research and publications have examined the motif of skin in the artistic production of Chilean and Argentine artists and the relations between materiality, maternity and new feminisms in current Chilean art. Her latest research project, supported by a 2022/2023 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Grant, examines the place of visuality and images in the articulation of environmental and territorial strategies in Chilean contemporary art. She is currently writing a book on the topic provisionally entitled “Sights Unseen: Vision, Visuality and Environment in Contemporary Chilean Art”.


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