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Insiders/Outsiders Festival: Haunted by History

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

No booking required


A selection of recent essay films – poignant, thought-provoking, sometimes darkly humorous and frequently disturbing – made by UK-based members of the so-called ‘Second Generation’, namely, the children of refugees from Nazi Europe and/or Holocaust survivors, whose work explores the complex and necessarily problematic legacy of their families’ experiences. The film-makers will be present to participate in a Q&A after each screening and also in a concluding panel discussion. This event is organised in association with the Insiders/Outsiders Festival (see for further details).

11am: Marina Willer: Red Trees, 2017, 75 mins + Q&A

12.30-1.30: LUNCH (not provided)

1.30-3pm: Barbara Loftus: Across Land and Water - The Two Journeys of the Family Basch, 2018, 60mins + Q&A

3-3.30pm: TEA (provided)

3.30-4pm: Caroline Pick: Home Movie, 2013, 18 mins + Q&A

4-4.20pm: Leah Thorn: My Amulet, 2008, 6.44 mins. + And She Does, 3.30 mins

+ Q&A

c.4.20-5pm: PANEL DISCUSSION (chaired by Monica Bohm-Duchen)

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Contact phone: 07508859179