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Four Parts of a Folding Screen

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

No booking required

Haunted by History is a programme made up of a selection of recent essay films – poignant, thought-provoking, sometimes darkly humorous and frequently disturbing – made by UK-based members of the so-called ‘Second Generation’, namely, the children of refugees from Nazi Europe and/or Holocaust survivors, whose work explores the complex and necessarily problematic legacy of their families’ experiences. This session we are excited to screen Four Parts of a Folding Screen (83 mins, 2018) directed by Anthea Kennedy and Ian Wiblin (

Based on documents found in Berlin archives, Four Parts of a Folding Screen explores exclusion, statelessness and the legalised theft and sale of everyday family possessions by the National Socialist regime. A voice, enigmatic and sometimes uncertain, foretells of, relates and recalls the routine processes of injustice and their legacy: the creation of a diaspora of household objects, scattered amongst buildings that no longer exist. As the camera probes the secrets of ordinary spaces, streets and buildings around the city of Berlin, semblances of a person and a history begin to emerge and coalesce.

Following the screening Anthea and Ian will take part in a Q+A.

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