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Dissertation Showcase: People, Work and Organizational Psychology

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

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Birkbeck Business School invites you to our Dissertation Showcase featuring outstanding postgraduate research projects carried out by students in the People, Work and Organizational Psychology (PWOP) Subject Group. The students’ presentations will address a broad range of topical question to drive both research and practice in the fields related to:

  • MSc Organizational Psychology
  • MSc Human Resources Management
  • MSc Career Coaching
  • MSc Coaching Psychology

In addition to research presentations, the Best PWOP Dissertation Award and the Alan Wingrove Award for Best Coaching Dissertation will be announced on the evening. A panel discussion of current and former students will reflect on their research experiences and the implications for their careers and personal development. 

The event celebrates the success of our graduating cohorts and offers the opportunity to bring together current students and alumni. It is also open to those who want to find out more about Birkbeck Business School, about novel research, or to stay in contact with us.

This event will take place in person on Birkbeck Campus, with some limited sessions available online. The event is open to current and prospective students, alumni, staff, and anyone with an interest in People, Work and Organizational Psychology.



18:00 Welcome to the Event


18:10 Presentation from Best Dissertation Award Winner

Tamara McBride – “Building Bridges for a Brighter Age: The moderating effects of subjective age and cross-age contact on age-based stereotype threat and disengagement among younger and older workers”

18:30 Research Project Presentations from the 2023/24 Cohort

A selection of presentations from the most recent cohort. A full list of confirmed speakers and topics are available below. This will run as three parallel sessions so you will have the option joining the session of interest (NB! not all sessions are available online).


Presentation Session 1 – “Lived Experiences and Identity in the Workplace”

18:35                     Shakyra Campbell - “Coming Out: Neurodivergent workers' lived experience of self-disclosure within the workplace”

18:55                     Hayley Adamson - “How do female service leavers experience their transition out of the military? An IPA study through a feminist lens”

19:15                     Chloe Green - “Balancing acts within leadership advisory firms: A qualitative study exploring employee perceptions of work-life balance and their boundary management techniques”

19:35                    Jo Price – “Organisational Mothers: How office housework contributes to gender inequity in the workplace”



Presentation Session 2 – “Leadership, Change, and Organizational Challenges” 

18:35                     Rachel Grant - “Beyond the Known: Leaders’ sensemaking during the liminal pandemic and post-pandemic periods”

18:55                     Zoe Kennedy – “Toxic or invigorating: Exploring EDI practitioner workplace experiences and change”

19:15                     Elaine Bagshaw - “A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of how leaders and decision-makers in the UK discursively construct 'return-to-the-office' policies and practice”

19:35                     Kiryl Tsikhan – “Golden years or rusty pennies? Psychological factors that inform retirement saving behaviours”


Presentation Session 3 – “Workplace Equity and Gender Dynamics”

18:35                     Roshan Bilimoria – “How can social justice be advanced through coaching? A qualitative study exploring coaching practices that aim to deliver social justice outcomes"

18:55                     Sam Hewlings – “Informal Parental Leave: How fathers in the UK construction industry use hybrid working as an alternative to Shared Parental Leave”

19:15                     Bobbie Reynolds – “Playing the game and disrupting social class barriers: Career progression experiences of working-class senior technology leaders”

19:35                      Sharon Gartland - “The Influence of Employee Voice on the Employee Experience of Change Fatigue; A Discourse Analysis”


19:55                     Break

20:15                     Student - Alumni Panel Discussion - Learnings from the dissertation journey and its implications for career and practice

20:50                     Closing remarks

21:00                     End


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