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Commercial Awareness: Key Insights for Aspiring Legal Professionals

Venue: Online

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Squire Patton Boggs is an international law firm with over 40 offices in 20 countries. It was formed in 2014 by the merger of multinational law firm Squire Sanders with Washington, D.C. based Patton Boggs. It is one of the largest law firms in the world by total headcount and gross revenue, twelfth largest firm in the UK by revenue, and one of the top 12 by number of countries occupied.

We are delighted that they will be running a suite of career workshops for Birkbeck students, the second of which is on commerical awareness.

Join the team at Squire Patton Boggs who will lead a one-hour session discussing what it means to be “commercially aware” and why it is so important for a career in the legal industry. The team will be providing tips and tricks on how to improve your commercial awareness ahead of and during application season, as well as a practical task based on an interview scenario.

**This event is exclusively for Birkbeck students and alumni**

If you have any requirements to be able to attend this event, please contact at least 3 working days in advance.

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