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The Ecology and Conservation Studies Society Free Public Lecture - Monitoring hoverflies with digital photographs

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

Monitoring hoverflies with digital photographs

Free public lecture part of the series What do we know about the status of our wildlife?

In Britain we have a long and proud tradition of monitoring the distribution and trend of birds, plants and butterflies, using volunteers from natural history and conservation societies. Recently, modern technology has led to a burgeoning number of these "citizen science" schemes using a wide pool of contributors, on everything from the parasites of the chestnut leaf miner to plants indicative of good habitat, from swifts to stag beetles. Schemes can collect haphazardly or according to a fixed protocol. Some schemes have been so successful that they are used as government indicators, but others may not deliver on expectations, and taxonomic coverage is patchy. In this series our lecturers look at what makes for success.

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