Films from the Barrelstout Archive
Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square
'We came together from different experiences, to a shared understanding of the films we wanted to make. Our films are typically short, no-budget affairs, with a homemade aesthetic. We employ a combination of Super8 film, photographic slides and digital imagery, and use our friends, as well as ourselves, as both cast and crew..
Our influences range from Early Cinema, Soviet Montage and The American Underground, as well as Art House and Exploitation Cinema. We like to think that our films pay tribute to key moments and movements in cinema's history, as well as to our own lives. We aspire to filmic pleasure, and use experimental, comical and political elements to achieve this.' Bev Zalcock and Sara Chambers -
Barrelstout Productions.
During the session Bev Zalcock and Sara Chambers will be in conversation with Selina Robertson.
Contact name:
Matthew Barrington