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The Ecology and Conservation Studies Society Free Public Lecture - Loving the alien

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

Loving the alien

Free public lecture part of the series Urban Ecology

Most people in the world now live in urban areas, and the proportion is still growing, so urban ecology affects the welfare and amenities of an increasing number of people. Wildlife habitats in urban areas have been transformed: there is a great deal of disturbance, hard surfaces and private gardens predominate, and there are numerous wastelands. There are many losses and gains from built development. City climates are warmer and drier than those of the nearby countryside. Urban areas often provide the first foothold of invading exotic species. The conservation of urban wildlife needs to take these factors into account and also the heavy pressures on urban wildlife from competing uses for land. After over 30 years of research and practice, urban ecology has probably come of age in the UK. These lectures will highlight what is distinctive about urban ecology and what we can learn from this.

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