Birkbeck Climate Festival 2025: Just Transitions in Urban Food systems
Food is widely recognised as being central to any move toward a Just Transition. The global agrifood system accounts for over a third of current greenhouse gas emissions, and is a critical contributor to biodiversity loss as well as wider negative environmental externalities. Because large cities - particularly in the Global North - remain the final destination for transnational food supply chains consuming much of the produce grown, reared and processed elsewhere, they must be a focal point in efforts for a Just Transition. This talk offers an overview of existing approaches to the problematic of Just Transitions in urban food systems and sketches some of the practical political and policy implications of such ideas.
Alex Colas is Professor of International Relations in the School of Social Sciences at Birkbeck.
A talk organised in collaboration with the Birkbeck Research Center in Environment and Sustainability.
Contact name:
Stephen Willey