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Early Career Research Network March 12, 11 to 2 pm on the co-production of health research: research funding workshop

Venue: TBC

Book your place

The Early Career Research Network on the co-production of health research has organized a funding workshop, led by Dan Mullins, Research Development Manager. Dan will provide a mapping of the landscape of health research funding for ECRs and situate this within the context of an indicative plan for early career researchers in Health, Life, and Wellbeing to maximize your chances of securing a permanent academic position. Lunch will be provided.

This event is ONLY for Early Career Researchers who are Birkbeck academic staff or Birkbeck PhD students. Early Career Researchers (ECRS) may be people who completed their PhD in the last 5 years or have held one or more fixed-term research contracts without increasing their salary or grade, or are in their first permanent academic post.

There are only 15 places on this workshop so please register.



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