Postgrad Dissertations Workshop Series: Writing your Literature Review
A literature review is the central spine of a dissertation, which provides the basis and strength for arguments and the landscape to the question you are addressing. This workshop will focus on key aspects of the literature review. It will cover the primary principles of literature reviews, including:
- What is the purpose of a literature review?
- Where does the literature review go in a dissertation?
- How to process information to facilitate writing.
- How to structure and write a literature review.
This workshop is suitable for those who will be or addressing a dissertation at postgraduate level, but undergraduate researchers might find it helpful.
If you encounter any difficulty joining the meeting, the direct Teams link is here.
The resources and a recording of this workshop are available from the Birkbeck Study Skills Moodle module, in the Writing Skills Resources/Dissertations section (student login required).
Contact name:
Ray Rose Raymond