BGRS Essentials: Research degree examination process for supervisors
Who is this session for?
This briefing is for staff who supervise doctoral candidates. The aim is to provide supervisors with essential information about the administrative requirements of the research degree examination process, highlighting supervisor responsibilities and where to find key information.
Session overview
The session will be led by the Birkbeck Graduate Research School Manager.
Session objectives
By the end of the session you should:
- Understand that basis for research degree examination at Birkbeck including the criteria for research degrees in the College regulations
- Understand the importance of thesis submission deadlines, how this is calculated and how it should be monitorred
- Understand the main features of the research degree examination process
- Know how to track the examination process via the ‘Research track’ view for staff and students
- Know who to contact in BGRS if you have queries about research degree examination
- Be able to locate relevant information on BGR SharePoint and BGRS resources
- Know about entering a thesis for examination
- Understand the examiner nomination process and your role in it including the examiner nomination form, requirements of examiners and about formal confirmation of examiners being willing to act
- Know how students submit the thesis online and additional forms they need to provide including the role of the statement of contribution form
- Know about thesis embargos
- Be familiar with the range of viva formats, the issues to consider and who is responsible for organising them
- Understand the potential outcomes and requirements following the viva and timescales for these
- Understand the requirements for award of a doctorate
- What is and isn’t covered in examiner expenses
The session will also provide the opportunity to ask the BGRS team your questions about research degree examination.
Contact name:
Birkbeck Graduate Research School (BGRS)