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Mathematical Sciences Seminar - Character deflations, wreath products and Foulkes' Conjecture

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

Foulkes' Conjecture is one of the main open problems in algebraic combinatorics: it states that if a ≤ b then the permutation character of the symmetric group Sab acting on set partitions of a set of size ab into b sets each of size a contains the permutation character of Sab acting on set partitions of the same set into a sets each of size b. In this talk I will present a new approach to Foulkes' Conjecture based on a deflation map that sends characters of the wreath product of Sa with Sb to characters of Sb. Our main result is a combinatorial rule for the values taken by these deflated characters. I will explain how this rule may be used to compute the irreducible constituents of Foulkes characters, and show that our result is a simultaneous generalization of both Young's rule and the Murnaghan–Nakayama rule on characters of symmetric groups.

This talk is on joint work with Anton Evseev (Birmingham) and Rowena Paget (Kent).

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