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Adapting Diderot's Le Neveu de Rameau/Rameau's Nephew

Venue: TBC

No booking required

Monday 18 May 2015 - part of Arts Week 2015
Organiser: Dr Ann Lewis (

This roundtable explored one of Diderot's best known and most enigmatic texts, Le Neveu de Rameau as it has been recently edited, translated and adapted in new media and for new audiences. Speakers discussed their highly innovative, new (and award-winning) multimedia translation, edited by Marian Hobson, translated by Kate Tunstall and Caroline Warman (Open Book Publishers, 2014), together with Phoebe von Held's 1998 theatrical adaptation of the text.   The presentations was followed by questions and discussions.  Panellists included: Marian Hobson, Kate Tunstall, Caroline Warman and Phoebe von Held.

The podcast for this event can be listened to here.


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