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Eighteenth-Century Femininities. A new CHASE network

Venue: TBC

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Launch of a new CHASE network on the theme of ‘Eighteenth-Century Femininities’.  The purpose of the event was to invite researchers from across departments and schools at CHASE institutions  (the Universities of East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex, the Open University, the Courtauld Institute of Art, Goldsmiths, University of London, Birkbeck, University of London and SOAS, University of London) to get to know each other, to foster research collaborations, and to discuss new projects which could emerge from this interdisciplinary network.  Although the focus is intially eighteenth-century France, we hope to develop a transnational dimension, and bring together scholars from a range of fields: cultural history, literature (e.g. French, English, German, Spanish, comparative), history of art and material cultures.

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