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China's Possible Futures Independent Cinema and Hong Kong

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

No booking required

China's Possible Futures: Independent Cinema and Hong Kong: Ten Years and The Rose of the Name: Writing Hong Kong
Saturday 27 January 10:00 17:00

Human rights issues have come to the fore as mainland China tightens its grip on Hong Kong, and documentary and fiction films play an increasing role in debates around contentious cultural and political issues. In this day-long session we present two contemporary films, a documentary and a fiction feature film, and discussions with programme organisers Mette Hjort (University of Copenhagen) and Rod Stoneman (National University of Ireland, Galway).

Ten Years (Ng Ka-Leung, Jevons Au, Wong Fei-Pang, Kwok Zune, Kwun-wai Chow, Hong Kong, 2016, 104 mins)
A collection of five short stories by five of Hong Kong's young directors who are raising questions about the most central issues concerning their city: 'If we can't even see the storms in our future, how can we talk about hope? How can we find courage to change?'

The Rose of the Name: Writing Hong Kong (Evans Chan, Hong Kong, 2014, 104 mins)

The first film to feature tear-gassing scenes from September 28, 2014 that triggered the democratic Umbrellas Movement, The Rose of the Name: Writing Hong Kong celebrates "Hong Kong's champion modernist Dung Kaicheung. Evans Chan's wide-angle perspective convincingly connects Dung's work with the city streets so recently clogged by protests and with Hong Kong's new generation of protestors themselves. Informative... engrossing...this is cinema for the 21st century: a conceptual blend of fiction, non-fiction and performance art that's completely in synch with its subject.' (Tony Rayns)


10.00 Welcome Rod Stoneman, Emma Sandon
10.05 Introduction to Independent cinema in Hong Kong Mette Hjort
10.30 Compilation films and Ten Years Rod Stoneman
10.55 Ten Years Ng Ka-Leung, Jevons Au, Wong Fei-Pang, Kwok Zune, Kwun-wai Chow
Hong Kong / 2015/ 104 mins
12.40 Discussion
13.00 Lunch
14.00 The Rose of the Name: Writing Hong Kong Evans Chan Hong Kong / 2016 / 104
16.00 Response Ruby Cheung and Panel (chaired by Emma Sandon)
with Mette Hjort, Rod Stoneman.
17.00 Close

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