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The History of Number Theory

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

This is the second of what will be a regular annual Birkbeck conference organised by the British Society for the History of Mathematics (BSHM), and supported by the Department of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics at Birkbeck.

Last year's conference, on Symmetry and Groups, was very successful with nearly 70 people registered to attend. We hope the 2016 event will be similarly popular.

This year's event will trace the study of number theory from its ancient origins to the present day. We are lucky to have a really exciting programme - see below.

Registration will be £5 for students, £10 for BSHM members and Birkbeck staff, and £20 for non-members. This will include tea/coffee and biscuits at break times, but not lunch, as we wanted to keep the registration fee to a minimum. There are numerous places to eat within easy walking distance of Birkbeck, including a coffee shop that sells sandwiches and snacks within Birkbeck itself.

A detailed itinerary and tickets are available here.