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Free Geography Teaching Workshop for post-16 teachers at Birkbeck University of London

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

Free Geography Teaching Workshop for post-16 teachers at Birkbeck University of London

The Department of Geography, Environment and Development Studies (GEDS) at Birkbeck, University of London, is holding a free workshop for Geography teachers in post-16 education. In this Saturday afternoon event we will provide an overview of teaching on selected topics and demonstrate how academic research links to real-world debates.

This is an excellent opportunity for post-16 Geography teachers to refresh and update their knowledge and to get ideas about how to bring this into their classroom teaching. There will also be ample opportunity to learn more about the wider undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in GEDS at Birkbeck.


2.00 - 2.10
Dr Karen Wells (Assistant Dean and Head of Department): Welcome to the Department, Quick overview about the Department and our UG offers.

2.10 - 2.40
Dr Paul Watt: City of Inequality
This presentation will examine some of the various ways that London is an unequal city combining wealth and poverty in close spatial proximity.

2.40 - 3.10
Dr Maurizio Gibin: Mapping health.

3.10 - 3.40
Dr Paul Elsner: Taking the high view: How satellites are revolutionizing our understanding of the global environment.
Nowadays, we all seem to take satellite imagery for granted. But there is much more to explore than what can be seen on Google Earth. This talk will introduce a brief history of remote sensing, how it has changed our understanding of environmental processes, and why spy satellites from the cold war help us to better understand climate change.

3.40 - 4.10
Dr Sue Brooks: Nature in action: coastal responses to extreme events.
This talk will introduce the main issues surrounding shoreline responses to extreme events. Why are our coastlines so vulnerable? What are people doing to measure and monitor responses? What should we do in future? The talk will focus on the highly dynamic coastlines of East Anglia.

4.10 - 4.30
Questions and opportunities for further information on Undergraduate programmes.

The event will take place on Saturday March 29 from 2.00 to 4.30pm

To register, please reserve a place on eventbrite

Please circulate to anyone who might find the event of interest.

Birkbeck Geography academics are also keen to visit Schools and give a talk. Please contact Paul Elsner to arrange this.

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