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London Group of Historical Geographers Seminar Programme, Autumn 2014

Venue: Senate House

No booking required

Seminar Programme, Autumn 2014


Date Seminar details

14 October

Hybrid corn and endangered maize: agricultural modernization and the conservation of genetic diversity in crop plants, 1935-1970

Helen Anne Curry (University of Cambridge)

27 October The South Asian monsoon: a history for the Anthropocene

Sunil Amrith (Birkbeck, University of London)

11 November The publication bomb: publishing Malthus and the birth of modern environmentalism

Robert Mayhew (University of Bristol)

25 November Philanthropic power: lessons from the agricultural strategies of the Rockefeller Foundation

David Nally (University of Cambridge)

Please note: this session takes place in the Bloomsbury Room G35, Senate House, South block, Ground floor

9 December By the bye, is it summer? It is raining as hard as it can pour: historical geographies and cultural memories of deluge, dearth and extraordinary weather in the UK

Georgina Endfield and Lucy Veale (University of Nottingha

Seminars are held on Tuesdays at 17:15 in the Large Conference Room, Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London (except on 25 November, when it will be held in the Bloomsbury Room (G35) on the ground floor, South Block, Senate House).

For further details please visit the
LGHG homepage or the seminar listing on the IRH website.