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Arts Week: Irish Times: Myles na gCopaleen's Cruiskeen Lawn

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

No booking required

This event is part of Birkbeck Arts Week 2019 - see the full programme.

The Irish comic writer Flann O'Brien was far better known in his lifetime as the irascible Myles na gCopaleen, under which pen-name he published the 'Cruiskeen Lawn' column in the Irish Times between 1940 and 1966. A keystone of Dublin's intellectual life in its heyday, the column is now largely known through the Best of Myles anthology (1968) which introduces modern readers to its most famous sketches and characters. In this workshop, join Birkbeck's Tobias Harris and Joseph Brooker as they tread deeper into Myles's elaborate multilingual labyrinth, exploring a work of anarchic humour and devastating satire concocted at the intersection of modernist experimentation and mass culture.

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