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Global Witness

Venue: Birkbeck 30 Russell Square

No booking required

This session is an introduction to the work of Global Witness, a leading British NGO. Global Witness focuses on the links between natural resources, armed conflict and political corruption, and it is this emphasis on connections that makes it unusual compared with many NGOs that work on single issues, such as education, transparency or climate change.

For more than 20 years GW has investigated how resources such as timber, oil and diamonds are used to fuel conflict, human rights abuse and environmental destruction. Its investigators have built a reputation for being bold, highly knowledgeable and prepared to work at considerable personal risk. The session will feature a campaigner speaking about his experience working with land defenders in Peru and Honduras the most dangerous country in which to be an activist. GW works to expose corrupt politicians, warlords, bankers and corporations, and campaigns to change the economic and legal systems that facilitate their crimes.

Guest speaker, Rupert Quinlan of Global Witness will be introduced by documentary film-maker and Chair of GW Board of Trustees, Chris Mitchell. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session.

The event is free and open to all.

Contact: Linda Etchart at