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Renewable Gas book launch with Jo Abbess

Venue: Birkbeck 30 Russell Square

No booking required

The Department of Geography, Environment and Development Studies celebrates the publication of "Renewable Gas - The Transition to Low Carbon Energy Fuels" by Jo Abbess. Jo is a recent graduate of our MSc in Climate Change Management and currently Associate Research Fellow at the Department. The book is published by Palgrave Macmillan in their prestigious Energy, Climate and the Environment. The monograph looks at the prospects for a transition from natural gas to low carbon gas, which could take several decades, and at how this will depend on the evolution of the fossil fuel industry. It also investigates the technologies and energy systems for making the best use of renewable gas resources. Jo Abbess will introduce her book in a book launch event on February 18, 6pm with a special lecture. The event will be chaired by GEDS Lecturer Dr Paul Elsner.

The booklaunch is free to attend, but requires registration on Eventbrite.

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