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GEDS Study Day

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

GEDS Study Day for prospective students

The Department of Geography, Environment and Development Studies (GEDS) is holding a study day for prospective students on Saturday 19th March.

The day is particularly aimed at students who are interested in Social Sciences and human geography, but is open to others too. It will allow you to discover more about the study of Social Science at Degree level at Birkbeck.

The programme will include viewing the film Dirty Pretty Things, then joining Birkbeck Lecturers and others attending to explore how different disciplines in Social Science (Politics, Sociology, Psychology, Geography or Development Studies) might approach explaining or interpreting the film. This interactive day should be stimulating and give you a good sense of the interdisciplinary nature of our courses.

The event is free, but registration is required via Eventbrite.

Programme for the day:

10.30-12.30 Introductions and Viewing of Dirty Pretty Things

12.30-1.15 Break

1.15-2.30 Small group discussions exploring different disciplinary perspectives of the film's key themes (concluding with a plenary)

2.30-3.00 Opportunity for individuals to speak to Birkbeck Lecturers about our courses

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