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The Art of Dislocation

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

LIVINGMAPS NETWORK in association with Birkbeck Institute for Social Research and the Department of Geography, Environment and Development Studies present a free public seminar

Panellists : Sam Hind, Concrete Action, Rebecca Ross, Alberto Duman

In this session our panellists will be drawing on their recent work to debate the politics, ethics and aesthetics of counter-mapping. Sam is a PhD candidate in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM) at the University of Warwick where he is working on the impact of digital mapping technologies on protest events in the UK. Rebecca is a researcher, graphic designer, and a coder, with interests in do-it- yourself urbanism and digital media. Alberto is a graphic artist and cultural theorist who works on issues of gentrification and regeneration. Concrete Action is a network of radical architects, planners and urban activists who are mapping information about regeneration sites for the benefit of local communities and housing campaigns.

The event is free, but requires registration via Eventbrite.

This seminar is organised in association with the Department of Geography, Environment and Development Studies, Birkbeck College: GEDS offers undergraduate and post-graduate teaching including courses on 'Cities and Urban Inequalities' and a new MA in Social and Cultural Geography.