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London Renaissance Seminar: Ship and Nation in Early Modern England 'To the great glory of our English Nation'

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

No booking required

How did England’s expansion as a maritime power influence early modern culture? Examining the connections between ships, literature and national identity speakers will explore the cultural paths between shipyard, theatre and pageant. Download the programme.

1.30 –2.00 Tea & Coffee
2.00 –2.40 Benjamin Redding, Thomas Heywood, the Sovereign of the Seas
and International Rivalry in the Seventeenth-Century Eng lish Court
2.40 –3.20 Rebecca Bailey, Contemporary representations of Charles I and
the Ship Money Fleet from within the cultural imag ination of Caroline
3.20 –3.40 Tea & Coffee
3.40 –4.20 Tracey Hill, Overseas venturing in Heywood's mayoral shows
4.20 –5.00 Round Table Discussion

Speakers : Benjamin Redding (Warwick), Rebecca Bailey (Liverpool John Moores), Tracey Hill (Bath Spa)

Organiser: Sue Jones (Birkbeck)

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