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London Renaissance Seminar: The Opportune Moment and the Early Modern Theatre of Politics

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

No booking required

Professor Stephen Guy-Bray (University of British Columbia) will lead this session of the Early Modern Reading Group on George Peele’s The Old Wives Tale (1595). 

Professor Guy-Bray writes:
George Peele’s The Old Wives Tale is remarkable for the fact that it dramatizes how narrative becomes stage action: that is, the characters in the story that the old wife is telling become actual people moving about the stage. I want to use this play and its consideration of narrative to address questions of the purpose of narrative more generally. Do literary texts require narrative? Is it possible to escape narrative?

The Old Wives Tale is available on EEBO.  Please bring a copy of the text with you.

The Early Modern Reading Group is a postgraduate reading group which meets every month to discuss a variety of texts from the early modern period. 

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