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Jai Bhim Comrade

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

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Jai Bhim Comrade
Director: Anand Patwardhan
Country of production: India
Year: 2012
Runtime: 169 mins
Language: Marathi & Hindi (with English subtitles)
Format: Digital File

In 1997, in Mumbai, police opened fire on a crowd of Dalits, gathered to protest the desecration of a statue of B.R. Ambedkar (a key symbol of Dalits), killing and injuring more than 30 people. Shortly after the incident, prominent Dalit poet and activist, Vilas Ghogre, commits suicide in revolt. Anand Patwardhan’s landmark documentary, shot over 14 years, is a complex and layered investigative work that unpacks the deeply embedded caste discrimination at the heart of Indian society while exploring the rich poetry and music of Dalit resistance. The film’s title is a reference to a greeting used by Dalits as a form of solidarity.

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