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Speaker of the House Rt Hon John Bercow MP on Parliamentary Reform

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

The Centre for the Study of British Politics and Public Life at Birkbeck welcomes the Rt Hon John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons. His lecture is titled, "Parliament as Pathfinder: Changing the culture of an ancient institution".

John Bercow was elected Member of Parliament for Buckingham in May 1997 as a Conservative, serving on the front benches as spokesman for Education & Employment and Home Affairs.

He was appointed Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury in 2001 then Shadow Minister for Work & Pensions in 2002 and from 2003 to 2004 Shadow Secretary of State for International Development.

Since his election as Speaker in 2009, he has embarked on an extensive outreach programme, travelling across the country to visit schools, universities and community groups to talk about his role and that of Parliament. He has sought to champion the rights of backbenchers, and has ensured parliamentary business is dealt with in a timely manner to ensure as many MPs can contribute as possible. In addition, he has granted an unprecedented number of Urgent Questions in order that Parliament discusses the pressing issues of the day.

He joins Birkbeck to discuss the issue of parliamentary reform, with an introduction by Professor of Politics Rosie Campbell.

This event is open to the public. The building is wheelchair accessible. See here for further information on venue accessibility.

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