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National Undergraduate Conference in Philosophy

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

The British Undergraduate Philosophy Society and British Journal of Undergraduate Philosophy are proud to present our 2014 Autumn Conference. The conference will take place from the 15th to the 16th of November at the wonderful Birkbeck College in London.

This year we are fortunate to present two illustrious keynote speakers: Baroness O'Neil and MM McCabe.

We will also have a host of interesting talks presented by some of the finest undergraduates in the UK.

Concurrent with our Autumn Conference will be the release of our next issue of the British Journal of Undergraduate Philosophy which will feature some of our presenters, more fantastic papers and some interviews with Philosophers.

Tickets will be on sale from Monday 6th of October on our website: forthcoming-conference/.

The prices will be as follows:
- Conference Attendance Ticket: £10
- Copy of the British Journal of Undergraduate Philosophy: £10
- Conference Attendance Ticket plus a copy of the Journal: £15
- Special half price offer for Birkbeck Students;
o Attendance ticket: £5
o Attendance plus Journal: £10

To encourage attendance of groups from universities we are running a special offer for this conference, if you organise a group of five people to get together we can offer you a discount of five tickets for the price of four!
We are a non-profit organisation and as such a conference ticket entitles you to entry to the conference and covers the cost of catering for the two day event which will include mid-morning coffee, tea and snacks, lunch and an afternoon coffee, tea and snacks (no one expects you to philosophise on an empty stomach!)

We hope that some of you will also join us for dinner on the evening of the 15th, we will book a nice (but affordable) restaurant in London and enjoy each-other's (and perhaps the Baroness') company. For those of you joining us from outside of London we will try to arrange a limited amount of spaces to stay with students at Birkbeck/in London at large. However these will be very limited and preference goes to speakers attending the conference, so apply early! E-mail our conference coordinator to register your interest:

1000-1030 Registration (with Coffee)
1030-1040 Opening Address - Hallvard Lillehammer
1040-1155 Farbod Akhlaghi-Ghaffarokh (Reading) - Kaplan, Rule Theory and 'I': Why We Should Reject Kaplan's Account of the First Person
1155-1215 Tea 1
1215-1330 Lukas Clark-Memler (Edinburgh) - The Dialectic of the Formal and the Intuitive: Kurt Godel's Proof of the Ideality of Time
1330-1430 Lunch
1430-1600 Baroness O'Neill - Directions of Fit and Varieties of Justification
1600-1630 Tea 2
1630-1745 Collis Tahzib (Lincoln College, Oxford) - Killing the cat with too much cream? A review of Donaldson and Kymlickas Zoopolis

1000-1030 Registration (Coffee)
1030-1145 Ben Lange (LSE) - Probabilistic Causation, Cartwright, and Interactive Forks
1145-1215 Tea 1
1215-1330 Thomas Moore (Brown) - Why Kant has to be a Non-Conceptual Naïve Realist
1330-1430 Lunch
1430-1600 Mary Margaret McCabe (KCL) - Escaping Plato's Cave: what good is seeing the good?
1600-1630 Closing Address / Tea 2