A virtual tour of Birkbeck's Coaching research
Join our Coaching students as they share insights into their research project findings.
Facilitated by programme directors Janet Sheath and Dr Lilith Whiley, this session will showcase the research undertaken by students on our MSc Career Coaching and MSc Coaching Psychology.
Confirmed speakers
Victoria Burns - Coaching for Emancipation
Using Narrative Inquiry, Victoria's research explores the stories of practising coaches, carving out alternative, critical and emancipatory practices and challenging dominant instrumental and positivistic coaching discourse. These counter stories shine a light on the limitation of the mainstream coaching story that, critical scholars argue, evolved to serve instrumental ends for a particular socio-economic and cultural order. Victoria reveals the challenges and opportunities articulated by the storytellers in their struggle to create counter-narratives to those of mainstream coaching.
Nomita Nair - Transitions from large firms to freelancing
Nomita's research explores the transition experiences and responses of lawyers as they change from working in large professional law firms to working in the gig economy as independent lawyers. Nomita is currently based in Singapore and combines working as a legal consultant with her international practice as a career coach.
Cordelia Wise - Careers and retirement
Cordelia’s research focuses on the experience of people who are semi-retired and how they see the phase of life they are in in terms of career. It raises questions around both retirement and career and the relationship between the two. Cordelia works as a career coach in private practice and with homeless sector staff. She also offers reflective practice and mediation within the homeless sector as well as managing a team herself.
Online session
This event will take place online on Microsoft Teams. Pre-event information and joining links will be emailed to you before the session. Please ensure you book your place via the link above to receive the joining instructions.
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